Exposition of Revelation 5:1-10 (Sunday SS, October 12, 2008)
God is patient and longsuffering. But there’s a limit!
Jeremiah 12:1-13:16 (Wednesday, October 8, 2008)
What should you pray for in these last days?
Latter Day Burdens of Prayer (Sunday PM, October 5, 2008)
Are you sure you haven’t missed something that’s indispensable?
Applied Human Bumbling (Sunday AM, October 5, 2008)
The opening of the seven-sealed book
Revelation 5:1-5 (Sunday SS, October 5, 2008)
Will God refuse to hear your prayers? He just might…
Exposition of Jeremiah 11:11-12:4 (Wednesday, October 1, 2008)
What things are appropriate, seemly, meet?
What Is Meet? (Sunday PM, September 21, 2008)
Feel like you’re being pursued and overtaken?
It’s not all bad, y’know!
Being Overtaken (Sunday AM, September 21, 2008)
What every Christian is waiting to hear – Come up hither!
Revelation 4:1-5:3 (Sunday, September 21, 2008)
If the Lord is so zealous, why don’t I see His hand at work?
The Zeal of the Lord (Sunday AM, September 14, 2008)
(Note: There was no PM service this Sunday. Picnic. In the rain…)