America and Christianity (Sunday AM, July 5, 2009)
Caution: There’s no fluff here. Pastor Stephens pretty well tells it like it is!
America and Christianity (Sunday AM, July 5, 2009)
Caution: There’s no fluff here. Pastor Stephens pretty well tells it like it is!
Revelation 19:10-19 (Sunday, July 5, 2009)
After a 13.5 month hiatus to study the book of Jeremiah, Pastor Stephens now picks up Proverbs where he left off last year:
Proverbs 10:1-10 (Wednesday, July 1, 2009)
Some Things that God Will Not Suffer (Sunday AM, June 28, 2009)
Note: There was no PM service today. Church picnic!
Revelation 19:1-10 (Sunday, June 28, 2009)
Jeremiah 51:14-52:34 (Wednesday, June 24, 2009)
Next week, we return to Proverbs beginning at Chapter 10.
The Quiver Full (Sunday PM, June 21, 2009)
And They Found Him! (Sunday AM, June 21, 2009)
Revelation 19:1-5 (Sunday, June 21, 2009)
Jeremiah 51:1-17a (Wednesday, June 17, 2009)