Colossians 3:5-12a (Sunday SS, January 16, 2011)
And here’s where all your troubles began…
Genesis 3:3-14 (Wednesday, January 12, 2011)
When you let things fester, sooner or later, something bad happens.
Assoc. Pastor Bob Grissom fills in for Pastor Stephens…
The World Wide Web of Wicked Words and Wrangling (Sunday PM, January 9, 2011)
Is your life still just a vapor?
Bro. Dave Darling fills in for Pastor Stephens this morning.
What Is Your Life? (Sunday AM, January 9, 2011)
Do you have a bad heritage? Get a new one!!
Bro. Todd Jenson fills in for Pastor Stephens, who is preaching in Michigan today.
There Is Life Beyond Moab (Sunday SS, January 9, 2011)
Stand up and fight!!
Assoc. Pastor Bob Grissom fills in tonight for Pastor Stephens, who is preaching in Michigan this week.
Find Your David (Wednesday, January 5, 2011)
Ever called God a liar? You sure…?
Promises! Promises! (Sunday PM, January 2, 2011)
Personal Testimony of Jeff Peterson (Sunday PM, January 2, 2011)
Woe is us! All is lost! Or is it…?
You’re watching the slow death of the American dream. BUT…
Things That Will Go Right in 2011 (Sunday AM, January 2, 2011)
Have you reckoned yourself dead in Christ, yet?
Or are you still catering to the old man?
Colossians 3:1-5a (Sunday SS, January 2, 2011)
Uh-oh… Here comes ol’ Splitfoot…
Genesis 3:1-6 (Wednesday, December 29, 2010)