Church History – Some Good Guys! (Sunday, August 24, 2008)
Category Archives: Sunday School
Sermons by Kyle Stephens, Sunday School.
Not everything that’s called “Christian” is…
Sardis and a little Church History
Revelation 3:4-6 and some Church History
Exposition of Sardis
Revelation 3:1-5a (Sunday, August 3, 2008)
Church History and the papacy during the Dark Ages
Church History & the Papacy; Revelation 3:1-3a (Sunday, July 27, 2008)
Popes you’re glad you never knew!
Church History – Thyatira (SS, July 20, 2008)
Kyle Stephens continues with Thyatira
Revelation 2:20-29 (SS, July 13, 2008)
Kyle Stephens begins the exposition of Thyatira
Revelation 2:18-23 (Sunday, July 6, 2008)
Church History – Pergamos
Pergamos – Councils, Creeds & Curses
Verse-by-verse study of Revelation
Kyle Stephens concludes the study of the church at Pergamos, and includes some church history.