Revelation 6:9-7:14 (Sunday SS, November 23, 2008)
Category Archives: Sunday School
Sermons by Kyle Stephens, Sunday School.
Pastor Stephens inches through Revelation 6…
Revelation 6:9-11 (Sunday, November 16, 2008)
Moving into Revelation 6…
Angels, Sons of God, and Men
Sunday School today got into some deep weeds…!
Revelation 5:5-14 and some other stuff, too!
Pastor Stephens pushes a little further into Revelation 5
Exposition of Revelation 5:1-10 (Sunday SS, October 12, 2008)
The opening of the seven-sealed book
Revelation 5:1-5 (Sunday SS, October 5, 2008)
What every Christian is waiting to hear – Come up hither!
Revelation 4:1-5:3 (Sunday, September 21, 2008)
To the Church at Laodicea
Revelation 3:14-22 (Sunday, September 14, 2008)
Kyle Stephens moves into the letter to Philadelphia
Exposition of Revelation 3:7-14 (Sunday, September7, 2008)
So, who’s the real heretic here…??
Church History – The Good Guys are persecuted; Revelation 3:7