The Cooker (Sunday PM, August 30, 2015)
Category Archives: Sunday PM Service
Sermons by Kyle Stephens, Sunday PM services.
The Simple Inherit Folly
Avoiding a Defiled Heritage (Sunday PM, August 23, 2015)
What do we consider Holy these days?
The Most Holy (Sunday PM, August 2, 2015)
The service was followed by a Communion service, Pastor Stephens drew our attention to 1 Corinthians 10.
Give up or go on. Your choice.
Let Us Go On (Sunday PM, July 26, 2015)
Getting us ready for what’s coming?
Witnesses in a Strange Land (Sunday PM, July 19, 2015)
We are called to be transformed, not conformed
Identifying Characteristics (Sunday PM, July 5, 2015)
Even the day to day ho-hum routine can make a person weary.
Let Us Not Be Weary (Sunday PM, June 14, 2015)
Y’just gotta love Ruth!!
Handfuls of Purpose (Sunday PM, June 7, 2015)
Be strong in the Lord!
They Weakened the Hands (Sunday PM, May 31, 2015)
A false balance is abomination to the LORD
Too Hard for Me (Sunday PM, May 24, 2015)