The Elder Brother’s Privileges (Sunday PM, August 23, 2009)
Category Archives: Kyle Stephens
Sermons by Kyle Stephens.
Seen any angels lately?
If an Angel Spake to You… (Sunday AM, August 23, 2009)
Sure is a lotta judgin’ goin’ on…
Just how many judgments are there, anyway?
Revelation 20:11-12 (Sunday, August 23, 2009)
Those who live wrong don’t live long!
Is life getting to be a drag…?
The Manna Ceased (Sunday PM, August 16, 2009)
Will your curtain come down before the last act?
Final Curtains (Sunday AM, August 16, 2009)
Will the devil receive comfort in the lake of fire because you’re there with him?
Revelation 20:6-11 (Sunday, August 16, 2009)
Do you live like the devil? You sure??
Livin’ Like the Devil (Sunday PM, August 9, 2009)
If you’re almost saved, you’re still lost!
Not Far (Sunday AM, August 9, 2009)
Are you an priest of God?
Revelation 20:1-8 (Sunday, August 9, 2009)