Bro. Jeremy Stewart fills in for the absent Pastor Stephens this Sunday.
Spirit (Sunday SS, September 20, 2009)
Just general stuff that has no home…
Bro. Jeremy Stewart fills in for the absent Pastor Stephens this Sunday.
Spirit (Sunday SS, September 20, 2009)
This lesson is a continuation and conclusion of a subject begun on July 8, 2009, The Sin of Bitterness. Associate Pastor Bob Grissom fills in the Pastor Stephens tonight.
Bitterness, Part 2 (Wednesday, September 16, 2009)
Missionary Jeff Williams preached at Blessed Hope tonight:
Excuses (Sunday PM, August 30, 2009)
Bro. Josh Lethert fills in for Pastor Stephens, who is at teen camp over in Wisconsin this week.
Where Art Thou? (Wednesday, August 12, 2009)
Deacon Dave Darling fills in for the vacationing Pastor Stephens.
Relationships and God’s Authority Structure, Part 1 (Sunday SS, July 12, 2009)
Relationships and God’s Authority Structure, Part 2 (Wednesday, July 15, 2009)
Deacon Steve Cariveau fills in for the vacationing Pastor Stephens Sunday night.
Love Not… (Sunday PM, July 12, 2009)
Associate Pastor Bob Grissom fills in for vacationing Pastor Stephens today.
It Shall Be as You Require (Sunday AM, July 12, 2009)
Jeremiah 51:1-17a (Wednesday, June 17, 2009)
David Spurgeon spoke eight times at Blessed Hope’s Spring Revival meetings.
The Day the Lord Showed Up in Jerusalem (Wednesday, June 10, 2009)
What Are You Full Of? (Thursday, June 11, 2009)
Peculiar People (Friday, June 12, 2009)
Commencement Address (Saturday, June 13, 2009)
Patience (Saturday, June 13, 2009)
The Power of Your Words (Sunday SS, June 14, 2009)
Great Salvation (Sunday AM, June 14, 2009)
Extreme Makeover (Sunday PM, June 14, 2009)
Missionary to Moldova John Weldon spoke to BHBC on Wednesday night.
Take My Life and Let It Be… (Wednesday, May 6, 2009)
(Bro. Weldon’s wireless mic was on “mute” all evening. I tried to pick him up using other mics that he wandered close to…)