Pastor Stephens is preaching in Michigan this week.
Fruits of the Flesh, Pt.1 (Sunday SS, November 6, 2011)
Just general stuff that has no home…
Pastor Stephens is preaching in Michigan this week.
Fruits of the Flesh, Pt.1 (Sunday SS, November 6, 2011)
Bro. Dave Darling fills in for Pastor Stephens…
What Is Our Faith? Part 2 (Wednesday, October 19, 2011)
Bro. Steve Cariveau fills in for Pastor Stephens tonight (Pastor’s preaching over in Green Bay this week)…
Occupy (Sunday PM, October 16, 2011)
Assoc. Pastor Bob Grissom fills in for Pastor Stephens this morning…
What Are You Looking For? (Sunday AM, October 16, 2011)
Bro. Dave Darling fills in for Pastor Stephens this morning…
What Is Our Faith, Part 1 (Sunday SS, October 16, 2011)
Bro. Darling will conclude with Part 2 on Wednesday evening.
Bro. Steve Cariveau fills in for the vacationing Pastor Stephens. Pastor will return to the pulpit Wednesday.
Imagine (Sunday PM, September 18, 2011)
When is Your Peniel? (Sunday AM, September 18, 2011)
God’s Hand in the KJV (Sunday SS, September 18, 2011)
Note: The beginning of the recording is a bit rough, thanks to a practical joker. But hang in there. It gets better after a minute or so.
Bro. Todd Jenson fills in for the vacationing Pastor Stephens…
Temple Decorations (Wednesday, September 14, 2011)
Missionary Presentation (Sunday PM, September 11, 2011)