Big bad snow storm clobbers the north side. 4-16-14 service canceled.
Just general stuff that has no home…
Big bad snow storm clobbers the north side. 4-16-14 service canceled.
Bro. Dave Darling fills in for Pastor Stephens…
For Consider Him (Sunday PM, March 2, 2014)
Lord willing, Pastor Stephens will return to the pulpit on Wednesday, March 5.
Assoc. Pastor Bob Grissom fills in for the absent Pastor Stephens…
God Chooses Good (Sunday AM, March 2, 2014)
Bro. Brian Darling fills in for the absent Pastor Stephens…
STAND! (Sunday SS, March 2, 2014)
Bro. Dave Darling fills in for the absent Pastor Stephens…
One Choice at a Time (Wednesday, February 26, 2014)
Faithful, Available, Teachable (Sunday PM, January 19, 2014)
Missionary Presentation (Sunday SS, January 5, 2014)
Missionary Presentation (Sunday PM, November 24, 2013)
Q&A and God Changing Your Plans (Sunday PM, November 24, 2013)
What Are Your Desires? (Sunday PM, November 17, 2013)
Lord willing, Pastor Stephens will be back in the pulpit Wednesday night.
Bro. Dave Darling fills in for Pastor Stephens…
Jehoshaphat Set Himself to Seek the Lord (Sunday AM, November 17, 2013)