Bro. Dave Darling fills in for the vacationing Pastor Stephens…
What Country Do You Desire? (Sunday PM, September 14, 2014
Just general stuff that has no home…
Bro. Dave Darling fills in for the vacationing Pastor Stephens…
What Country Do You Desire? (Sunday PM, September 14, 2014
Assoc. Pastor Bob Grissom fills in for the vacationing Pastor Stephens…
Getting out of the Ship (Sunday AM, September 14, 2014)
Bro. Todd Jenson fills in for the vacationing Pastor Stephens…
Why Didn’t He Say Anything? (Sunday SS, September 14, 2014)
Missionary Vincent Speranza preaches tonight while Pastor Stephens is on vacation.
Turn Northward! (Wednesday, September 10, 2014)
Missionary Presentation (Sunday PM, August 10, 2014)
Cast Thy Bread upon the Waters (Sunday PM, August 10, 2014)
Deacon Dave Darling’s son Brian filled in for Pastor Stephens tonight. Brian is a recent graduate of Pensacola Bible Institute.
Reasons for Falling (Sunday PM, July 13, 2014)
A number of our teens and adults attended a youth camp last week down in Unionville, MO. Here’s a song they brought back:
Deacon Dave Darling’s son Caleb fills in for Pastor Stephens this morning. Caleb is a recent graduate of Pensacola Bible Institute.
It Seemed like a Reasonable Offer (Sunday AM, July 13, 2014)
Pastor Stephens’ son Daniel fills in for his Dad today. Daniel is a recent graduate of Pensacola Bible Institute.
Guide Your Heart (Sunday SS, July 13, 2014)
Bro. Todd Jenson fills in for the absent Pastor Stephens.
Napping in a Boat Full of Water (Wednesday, July9, 2014)
Bro. Todd Jenson fills in for Pastor Stephens tonight.
Don’t Be Afraid (Sunday PM, May 25, 2014)