Genesis 1:20-31 (Wednesday, December 15, 2010)
All posts by vlad
We sure make a mess o’ things, don’t we?
Note: Our recent bad snow storm and resulting bad roads caused the cancellation of SS and the AM service today.
How to Thwart God’s Plan for Your Life (Sunday PM, December 12, 2010)
The first four days…
Genesis 1:1-19 (Wednesday, December 8, 2010)
How does one wait on the Lord?
The Patience of Love (Sunday PM, December 5, 2010)
It Appertains to Me (Sunday AM, December 5, 2010)
Did the OT guys look forward to the cross?
Pastor Stephens continues his exhaustive study of the BIBLICAL doctrine of eternal security of the believer…
Salvation & Eternal Security, OT vs NT (Sunday SS, December 5, 2010)
The Gap
Pastor Stephens begins a study of the Book of Genesis…
Genesis 1:1-2 – The Gap (Wednesday, December 1, 2010)
Somebody’s gonna get hurt…
A Cocked Pistol (Sunday PM, November 28, 2010)
Sometimes you need to zero in on One Thing!
One Thing (Sunday AM, November 28, 2010)
Abandon dispensationalism, and nothing will work right
Pastor Stephens continues his exposition of the BIBLICAL doctrine of Eternal Security of the believer…
More Eternal Security (Sunday SS, November 28, 2010)