The Holy Place (Sunday AM, February 6, 2011)
All posts by vlad
You really think you should follow your heart?
Colossians 3:14-16 (Sunday SS, February 6, 2011)
The sons of God were messin’ with our women!!
Genesis 4:25-6:2 (Wednesday, February 2, 2011)
Waiting for God to answer your prayer? Good!
Wait Until the Camels Are Done Drinking (Sunday PM, January 30, 2011)
How good are you at running the hurdles?
Sergius Paulus’ Hurdles (Sunday AM, January 30, 2011)
Agape? Love? Charity? Is the KJV “Inspired”?
Colossians 3:12-14 (Sunday SS, January 30, 2011)
Where did Cain get his wife??
Genesis 4:5-26 (Wednesday, January 26, 2011)
Like it or not, you’re in a battle!
Bro. Steve Cariveau fills in for Pastor Stephens tonight…
If You’re Gonna Die, Die With Your Boots On! (Sunday PM, January 23, 2011)
There’s all kinds of ways to get messed up!
The Spirit of Error (Sunday AM, January 23, 2011)
Lotsa stuff for you to put on…
Colossians 3:12-13 (Sunday SS, January 23, 2011)