Colossians 3:18-4:1 (Sunday SS, February 27, 2011)
All posts by vlad
Noah’s cruise finally ends
Genesis 7:17-8:22 (Wednesday, February 23, 2011)
Sometimes we forget just Who God is…
He Is the Lord (Sunday AM, February 20, 2011)
Note: The PM service was cut short by eliminating the sermon. Big Bad Blizzard blew into town…!
Isn’t “Christian Rock” an oxymoron?
Colossians 3:16-18 (Sunday SS, February 20, 2011)
Where did all that water come from?
Genesis 6:19-7:16 (Wednesday, February 16, 2011)
Aw, who needs church, anyway?
What You Actually Get in Church (Sunday PM, February 13, 2011)
Do you expect to go to heaven? Why?
Expectations (Sunday AM, February 13, 2011)
In view of recent events in Egypt…
A Brief History of Modern Israel (Sunday SS, February 13, 2011)
How’d Noah get all those animals into that ark??
Genesis 6 (Wednesday, February 9, 2011)
Are you constantly scratching for new toys?
Contentedness (Sunday PM, February 6, 2011)