And what’s with all this tithing stuff, anyway?
Genesis 14:17-20 (Wednesday, April 20, 2011)
And what’s with all this tithing stuff, anyway?
Genesis 14:17-20 (Wednesday, April 20, 2011)
Keep Yourselves from Idols. Amen. (Sunday PM, April 17, 2011)
Pilate’s Decision (Sunday AM, April 17, 2011)
1 Peter 1:3-8 (Sunday SS, April 17, 2011)
Genesis 13:10-14:19 (Wednesday, April 13, 2011)
An Alternative to Victory and Power (Sunday PM, April 10, 2010)
The Point of Attack (Sunday AM, April 10, 2011)
1 Peter 1:4 (Sunday SS, April 10, 2011)
… along with Lot. And that’s gonna be a problem.
Genesis 11:26-13:10 (Wednesday, April 6, 2011)
Under a Juniper Tree (Sunday PM, April 3, 2011)