What a Hard Heart Misses (Sunday PM, June 12, 2011)
All posts by vlad
Do you desire the RIGHT things…?
Noble Desires (Sunday AM, June 12, 2011)
That Book is ALIVE!!
1 Peter 1:22-2:2 (Sunday SS, June 12, 2011)
Lot may have been righteous, but he sure was goofed up!
Genesis 18:21-19:30 (Wednesday, June 8, 2011)
Is the Lord thy God FIRST on your priority list?
Inversions (Sunday PM, June 5, 2011)
Is there a God in the USA? How ’bout in your church…?
A God in Israel (Sunday AM, June 5, 2011)
Do you believe in God through Jesus?
1 Peter 1:21-23 (Sunday SS, June 5, 2011)
Some angelology
Genesis 18:1-22 (Wednesday, June 1, 2011)
Christians don’t have any commandments!! Oh…?
Bro. Steve Cariveau fills in for Pastor Stephens…
General Orders for the Christian (Sunday PM, May 29, 2011)
Ever thought that God doesn’t always do things our way?
Some Things Are Just Strange (Sunday AM, May 29, 2011)