1 Peter 2:21-3:3 (Sunday SS, July 31, 2011)
All posts by vlad
Isaac repeats his father’s mistakes
Genesis 26:6-27:5 (Wednesday, July 27, 2011)
You might change, but God’s words don’t!
The Same Word (Sunday AM, July 24, 2011)
Not just a conscience, but a conscience toward God
1 Peter 2:18-21 (Sunday SS, July 24, 2011)
Abraham, Keturah and more kids
Genesis 25:1-26:7 (Wednesday, July 20, 2011)
How to avoid being ashamed
Be Not Ashamed (Sunday PM, July 17, 2011)
Ever thought about what it took to make it possible for you to be saved?
Just Forgiveness (Sunday AM, July 17, 2011)
Man, there’s some pretty hard stuff here…
1 Peter 2:13-18 (Sunday SS, July 17, 2011)
Boy meets girl – the old way…
Genesis 24 (Wednesday, July 13, 2011)
Jesus said, “COME!” So, why won’t you?
Come! (Sunday AM, July 10, 2011)