Bro. Steve Cariveau fills in for the vacationing Pastor Stephens. Pastor will return to the pulpit Wednesday.
Imagine (Sunday PM, September 18, 2011)
Bro. Steve Cariveau fills in for the vacationing Pastor Stephens. Pastor will return to the pulpit Wednesday.
Imagine (Sunday PM, September 18, 2011)
When is Your Peniel? (Sunday AM, September 18, 2011)
God’s Hand in the KJV (Sunday SS, September 18, 2011)
Note: The beginning of the recording is a bit rough, thanks to a practical joker. But hang in there. It gets better after a minute or so.
Bro. Todd Jenson fills in for the vacationing Pastor Stephens…
Temple Decorations (Wednesday, September 14, 2011)
Missionary Presentation (Sunday PM, September 11, 2011)
I Am Sure and I Am Glad (Sunday AM, September 11, 2011)
1 Peter 4:3-10 (Sunday SS, September 11, 2011)
Genesis 34:1-36:23 (Wednesday, September 7, 2011)
Note: About 43 minutes into the recording, my substitute kicked the record gain up full blast. It took me a few seconds to compensate…
How Job is Like Us (Sunday PM, September 4, 2011)
What Savourest Thou? (Sunday AM, September 4, 2011)