When I Am Weak (Sunday PM, November 13, 2011)
All posts by vlad
Remember, we walk by faith, not by sight
We Don’t See Fire Fall from Heaven (Sunday AM, November 13, 2011)
Getting your growth steps in their proper order
2 Peter 1:3-6 (Sunday SS, November 13, 2011)
We live in an age of endless distractions.
Distractions in the Christian Life (Wednesday, November 9, 2011)
Note: Bro. Dave Darling preached tonight. Pastor Stephens will return to the pulpit Sunday.
People sure can twist the Scripture…
Rightly Dividing the Word (Sunday PM, November 6, 2011)
Three things you need to survive what’s coming
Personal Survival (Sunday AM, November 6, 2011)
A closer examination of some familiar things…
Pastor Stephens is preaching in Michigan this week.
Fruits of the Flesh, Pt.1 (Sunday SS, November 6, 2011)
Joseph hits the big time!
Genesis 41:33-42:38 (Wednesday, November 2, 2011)
Whose fault was Jeroboam’s failure?
What Went Wrong with Jeroboam? (Sunday PM, October 30, 2011)
How close are you to the Kingdom of God?
Thou Art Not Far (Sunday AM, October 30, 2011)