What Thankfulness Hath Wrought (Wednesday, November 26, 2008)
All posts by vlad
Are you just part of the herd? Or do you live not as others?
Not as Others (Sunday PM, November 23, 2008)
To whom or to what are you looking up to?
A Sight for Sore Eyes (Sunday AM, November 23, 2008)
Will you be looking for a cave when the Great Earthquake strikes?
Revelation 6:9-7:14 (Sunday SS, November 23, 2008)
Put your trust in man? Bad idea!
Jeremiah 17:5-21 (Wednesday, November 19, 2008)
The fear of man can really do a number on you…
“I Feared the People” (Sunday PM, November 16, 2008)
The regular PM service was followed by a communion service.
Communion Service (Sunday PM, November 16, 2008)
Did you know that “lifetime” appears only 3 times in the Bible?
Three Lifetimes (Sunday AM, November 16, 2008)
Pastor Stephens inches through Revelation 6…
Revelation 6:9-11 (Sunday, November 16, 2008)
Does there come a time when God withdraws His mercies?
Jeremiah 16:1-17:6 (Wednesday, November 5, 2008)
Are you one o’ THEM??
Maybe you should be!
One o’ THEM (Sunday PM, November 2, 2008)