Revelation 16:1-10 (Sunday April 12, 2009)
All posts by vlad
Is your Bible the actual words of God?
Jeremiah 36-37 (Wednesday, April 8, 2009)
You don’t want to hear, “Sorry. It’s too late…”
What I Shall Do (Sunday PM, April 5, 2009)
If you won’t hear Him, whom will ye hear? And why?
Why Hear Ye Him? (Sunday AM, April 5, 2009)
The harvest isn’t far away!
Revelation 14:12-15:8 (Sunday, April 5, 2009)
Is your Bible Scripture given by inspiration of God?
Jeremiah 34:1-36:4 (Wednesday, April 1, 2009)
So, what’s the alternative to the psychiatrist’s couch?
The Preeminence of the Bible Over Psychology, Part 3 (Sunday PM, March 29, 2009)
Do you have the TRUE riches?
True Things are Not Relative, Part 2 (Sunday AM, March 29, 2009)
God is love. God is a consuming fire. Which side will you see in eternity?
Revelation 14:6-12 (Sunday, March 29, 2009)
Israel’s down, but the Lord will bring her back!!
Jeremiah 32-33 (Wednesday, March 25, 2009)