Revelation 17:1-2 (Sunday, May 3, 2009)
All posts by vlad
Do you worship the Queen of Heaven?
Jeremiah 43-44 (Wednesday, April 29, 2009)
Three men from the congregation preach in Pastor Stephens’ absence!
Pastor Stephens preached in Joplin, MO, this weekend. An evangelist was to take his place in BHBC’s pulpit, but he got stranded in Cincinnati with car trouble! So these three men stepped up to the plate:
Bro. Josh Lethert: 1 Corinthians 10:11, Example & Ensample (Sunday SS, April 26, 2009)
Assoc. Pastor Bob Grissom: Are You Ready? (Sunday AM, April 26, 2009)
Bro. Steve Cariveau: The Life of a Christian in the Children of Israel (Sunday PM, April 26, 2009)
Let’s go back to Egypt where life will be a bowl of cherries!!
Jeremiah 42 (Wednesday, April 22, 2009)
Met any good lions lately?
Meeting Lions (Sunday PM, April 19, 2009)
Are you self-willed? Better take another look…
The Shades of Self-Will (Sunday AM, April 19, 2009)
When you speak, what exactly comes out of your mouth?
Revelation 16:10-21 (Sunday, April 19, 2009)
Surrender to the enemy is not a popular message…
Jeremiah 38-41 (Wednesday, April 15, 2009)
Sometimes you can do a right thing the wrong way.
(Pastor Stephens forgot to turn on his mic. Read 1 Chronicles 13 first. Then listen to the sermon…)
Perez-uzza (Sunday PM, April 12, 2009)
Christ is risen! But so are some other things!
Other Things Are Risen (Sunday AM, April 12, 2009)