What Is Baal’s Appeal? (Sunday AM, September 13, 2009)
All posts by vlad
What is this strange new neighborhood we’re going to move to??
Revelation 21:8-22 (Sunday, September 13, 2009)
To whom do you go for good counsel?
Proverbs 11:14 – Counsel
Do you REALLY think you can win a debate with the Devil?
The Devil (Sunday PM, September 6, 2009)
Is your worship in spirit and truth, or in mockery!?
Mock Worship (Sunday AM, September 6, 2009)
The Lake of Fire and the New Jerusalem
Revelation 20:12-21:8 (Sunday, September 6, 2009)
Been runnin’ your mouth lately? Uh-oooh….
Proverbs 11:9-13 (Wednesday, September 2, 2009)
That may be a reason, but it’s not an excuse!
Missionary Jeff Williams preached at Blessed Hope tonight:
Excuses (Sunday PM, August 30, 2009)
What is strange to you? It’s your choice…
Strange Things (Sunday AM, August 30, 2009)
Integrity! Conscience! Hypocrisy! WOW!
Proverbs 11:3-9a (Wednesday, August 26, 2009)