Proverbs 11:20-22 (Wednesday, September 30, 2009)
All posts by vlad
Good stones, but bad mortar…
Untempered Mortar (Sunday PM, September 27, 2009)
Which is more important: Your stuff or your King?
What Right therefore Have I? (Sunday AM, September 27, 2009)
The new heavens and the new earth!
Revelation 21:23-22:9 (Sunday, September 27, 2009)
Counsel and the mind of God
Proverbs 11:14-19 (Wednesday, September 23, 2009)
Ever climbed Mt. Everest?
Assoc. Pastor Bob Grissom fills in for the absent Pastor Stephens.
Longsuffering (Sunday PM, September 20, 2009)
Is the God of the Bible an unknown god to you?
Bro. Steve Kehoe fills in for the absent Pastor Stephens this Sunday morning.
The Unknown God (Sunday AM, September 20, 2009)
What is “spirit”?
Bro. Jeremy Stewart fills in for the absent Pastor Stephens this Sunday.
Spirit (Sunday SS, September 20, 2009)
There IS something you can do to fight bitterness.
This lesson is a continuation and conclusion of a subject begun on July 8, 2009, The Sin of Bitterness. Associate Pastor Bob Grissom fills in the Pastor Stephens tonight.
Bitterness, Part 2 (Wednesday, September 16, 2009)
If Ruth can know and do the right thing, what’s your excuse?
How Does a Heathen Become Jesus Christ’s Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandmother? (Sunday PM, September 13, 2009)